This has been a big year – the BIGGEST year – for AAPS. Thanks for playing along via social media, email, in-real-life meetings and, most importantly, by buying books! AAPS is ending the year with 16 amazing authors and twelve published books.
So, in a shameless Christmas spruik, if you’re looking for print or ebooks, for yourself or gift giving, consider one of these beauties…
Adult crime/con artist Chasing The Ace by Nicholas J. Johnson. Friendship and fraud is a dangerous mix. Print and ebook.
Adult dark urban fantasy Bound by Alan Baxter (Book 1 in Alex Caine series). Monsters and martial arts in a fast paced action adventure. Print and ebook. Sequels Obsidian and Abduction available in ebook .
YA supernatural Shadowboxer by Tricia Sullivan.
Zombie action adventure with romance (it’s a a zom-rom-com!) A Single Girl’s Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse by JT Clay. It’s the old story. Girl meets boy. Girl loses boy. Zombies attack. Available in ebook.
Contemporary romance perfect for a summer beach read, For One Night Only by Phillipa Fioretti. In Italy, passion and danger share the same bed…