Christmas 2025 wrap up

Dec 24, 2024 | News & Articles

And we’re a wrap on another huge year at #AlexAdsettLiterary. THIRTY FOUR (34!!!) incredible books published, from picture books to middle grade, graphic novels, crime, romance, spec fic, commercial fiction, cookbooks, non-fic and literary! I am so proud of all our amazing authors, these beautiful books, and my fellow agents who have made it happen. Thank you to all the people who have helped over the year! Happy new year everyone, and here’s to keeping the book magic happen in 2025!

For posterity, here is a list of every Alex Adsett Literary book published in 2024:

JanJodi McAlisterNot Here To Make FriendsRom Com
Nicole HaddowCouple GoalsNon-Fic
Dinuka McKenzieTaken (B-format)Crime
FebMelinda HamLucky OnesNon-fic
Dinuka McKenzieTipping PointCrime
MarchJasmin McGaughey, with Ash Barty and Jade GoodwinMy Dream For YouPic book
Tania IngramAggie Flea Bk 2MG graphic novel
Kate GordonEsme in the SpotlightMiddle grade
AprilRhiana KingBirds of A FeatherComm fic
James FoleySecret Agent Mole #3MG graphic novel
Sarah PoundWholesome Cookbook
MayJasmin McGaugheyLittle Ash 9 and 10Junior Fic
Hannah Sommerville (illus), with Margaret WildReading to BabyPic book
Lisa FullerBig, Big LovePic book
Kate GordonJuno Jones #5Junio Fic
JuneAmy AdeneyThe Little Street LibraryPic book
JulyTania Ingram The Other ShadowMiddle Grade
Amy DoakEleanor Jones Can’t Keep A SecretYA crime
Petronella McGovernThe Last TraceCrime
Carl MerrisonBackyard TennisPic book
Jasmin McGaugheyTennis Camp Ash #1Middle Grade
Kate GordonMy Brother FinchMiddle Grade
AugMelanie SawardLove UnleashedRom Com
Christina Booth (Illus)Wedge Tail EaglePic book
SeptGordon/FosterSmall Acts YA
Christina BoothPurininaPic book
Carl Merrison & Hakea HustlerKimberley Kickers: Jy Goes For GoldMiddle Grade
OctIsobelle CarmodyComes The NightYA Fantasy
Hannah Sommerville (illus) with Josh PykeSilver ThreadsPic book
Kate GordonSpirals and StarsYA
Jasmin WestonEveryday EatsCookbook
 Dave Hartley, with Pat Cummins and Serena GeddesHowzat Pat Books 1 and 2Middle Grade
NovHannah Sommerville, illus with Andrea RoweIn The Sand DunesBoard book
DecJasmin McGaugheyTennis Camp Ash #2Middle Grade
Alexandra AlmondThoroughly DisenchantedRomantasy

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