Melinda Ham

Canadian-born Melinda Ham has been a journalist and writer for more than 30 years. Her career started in southern Africa where she was a correspondent for the Associated Press and London’s Daily Telegraph, The Economist andother international publications. She has also reported from India and Singapore.

After immigrating to Australia, Melinda wrote for the Sydney Morning Herald and Sun Herald for 12 years. She now creates content for large organisations, universities and not-for-profits. Continuing her passion for refugee issues, Melinda has volunteered as a community speaker, tutor and mentor.

Her home is on Scotland Island, in the Northern Beaches of Sydney, unceded land of the Garigal Clan of the Guringai Nation, with her partner Mike. She loves bushwalking, running, sailing — and the occasional visit from her two grown-up children.

Books by Melinda Ham

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